
Coloured X-ray showing lung cancer

Michele Spena

Coloured X-ray showing lung cancer

Ven, 19/08/2011 - 01:21

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Coloured X-ray showing lung cancer

Lung cancer. Coloured chest X-ray showing lung cancer in frontal view. The enhanced image colours the ribcage blue enclosing the lungs, with the heart at lower centre. A cancerous tumour (red, yellow) is revealed in the lung at right. Lung cancer is one of the most malignant of tumours; in most cases it is associated with cigarette smoking. Secondary malignant tumours which have spread from other parts of the body to the lungs are also common. To confirm this X-ray diagnosis it is necessary to examine lung tissue micro- scopically for the presence of cancer cells. A lung biopsy or phlegm samples may be taken.

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